Seventeen hours after signing our contract and home study, we received a call asking us to take two boys into care.  One was older than the age we said we felt appropriate for us - I suppose that's another post all together.  Still, there were a couple of things that made me wonder if they were supposed to come to live with us.  Things like an uncommon ethnicity for our area that is similar to ethnicities already in our home and a food allergy we already know how to handle.

I knew that I couldn't call my husband then let them know, because they can't wait.  These kids needed a home immediately and if you aren't sure, they move on to calling someone else.  Well, the person who called said, in response to my one question, "I can call so-and-so and get back to you."  Wow!, I thought, that gives me time to call my husband.  Amazing.  So, we lamented and prayed, wondering what was right.  We had discussed this exact age and gender scenario the night before and said it wouldn't work ... until the other factors came into play.  While waiting for a call, the kids and I dropped our lessons and ran around, locking the medicine and cleaning cabinets, picking up a bit, making sure outlet plugs hadn't been removed, and I threw in a load of laundry that I was planning to do that night.  Still no call back, so my husband called the person at the agency, waited for a return call, and then found that she had already placed the boys with someone else.

[Void].  That's kind of how it felt.  Had God made the decision for us while we just couldn't decide?  We really were not prepared for the older child, so it's probably best in the long run, but, boy, it was still a little sad.  I've been wondering whose home they went to and if we'll ever run into them.  I'm wanting to make sure the foster family knows everything about the food allergy, and generally, feeling responsible.  I know, I know, it was just a phone call.  I'm not good at saying no to kids in need, but they found a safe place right away.  I shouldn't worry.  I should stand with what we know is best for our family at this time, still, little hands and hearts can surely melt mine.  

I hope the phone rings again soon.  I don't even want to get in the shower, for fear of missing a call.  Guess then, they'd have to change that home study statement about me being "well groomed".  Maybe a laugh or two will help.

Nothing new to report.  Really.  Nothing.  It's been 12 days since our last class.  We're just waiting for our home study writer to call and set up a time for interviews and home inspections.  Waiting.  Waiting.  Then, when they call, I'm sure I'll be in a momentary panic trying to obtain a spotless house!

We are looking for another crib - a non-drop-side.  One that we had is not going to work, although, I'm thinking that the four side pieces may make a really neat garden trellis.  I'll see if someone can use them in a fabulous garden display.
Saturday afternoon, DB took several items to the Salvation Army thrift store as a donation.  He mentioned this morning that the store was having a 50% off sale all day and all items.  Our daughter and I were out to run a few errands and thought we'd stop in.  I wanted to purchase uni-gender jeans and khaki's in several infant/toddler sizes if they were in good condition and reasonable cost.  Thought those would be wise items to have around.  Well, we found those and more.  It doesn't look like much in the photo, but we were able to get 48 pieces of clothing for $30.  A few items were $1, but most everything was 50 cents!  Because we were shopping for boys or girls birth to two, we were able to just choose the higher quality items, and not have to look for a particular size.  We decided, and hubby agreed, that even if we do not get to use certain sizes, they can be given to another foster family, and for $30, it was a wise investment.  I must point out a few special buys, however -- don't ya love a good deal :-).  See the striped sweater near the center of the picture?  It was marked $0.00.  They gave it to me for ... $0.00!  A pair of Children's Place khaki shorts uni-gender, of course) with *Tags Still On* for 50¢!  Two items in like-new condition (each 50¢) that were exact items our daughter had when she was small  (aawww).  Oh, and my husband wanted me to mention that red onsie on the left of the picture.  It was 50¢ as well.  Something on the shoulder appealed to him.  LOL! Hope the kiddo is a Buckeye's Fan!  We were pretty excited to find this for daddy.  (Don't worry, we'll get Husker gear too)!  

And, just because we're talking deals, our daughter bought a long lace curtain panel and valance for her room for $2, and we found a Danish plate that was not price marked.  They gave it to us for $1.50 - guess they didn't notice the limited edition stamp on the back or know much about Danish collectibles.  We'll see if my grandmother has this particular one.  If she does, we'll just keep it for us.  

I hope we can get on an email list to know about future 50% off days.  The thrill of a bargain!  The only thing better would be if folks would just donate items directly to foster families.  Wish I had realized this for so many years!

Well, the prospect of cabinet latches and figuring out what can safely and functionally be stored under the guest bed wasn't all that exciting to me today.  I came home from work around 2 and really would have liked to sit and watch the Husker game.  Our normally ultra-quiet street had the faint air of a pleasant summer holiday.  We, on the other hand, had tasks to complete.  Don't misunderstand, these are tasks I am immensely grateful to have!  Sometimes, after weeks like the last two we've had, you just wish the entire family had, say, a five day weekend together.  (LOL - don't worry, I'm actually quite rational! :-).  Well, after supper, in an attempt to motivate me to organize sewing supplies, I thought I'd go get the mail.  

" [dim lights, cue orchestra, dance down the sidewalk to the mailbox] ... Oh, the Wells Fargo wagon is a co-min' down the street, I hope it brings somethin' for me ..."

WooHoo! A package from Glass Baby Bottle!  A few Dr. Brown's glass bottles in a two sizes and some glass training cups. So exciting to put these in the cabinet and be ready for someone whom God will choose to come and live with us!

(I'm also collecting some not-new bottles and cups to have for the kiddo's visitations, etc., just in case the items I send don't come back home.)

These glass toddler cups are so fabulous, by the way.  They are a half-pint canning jar with a silicone sleeve and screw-on cap.  No, don't worry, I have not broken my no-sippy-cup rule.  The lid is like an adult travel mug, with a tiny opening.  Our kids used cups like this (never a sippy - bad for speech development ;), but I didn't know about the glass option at the time.  You can buy the full deal, or just the sleeve and cap.  I'm so excited!  Yes, little things can make me happy.  Cups and bottles are all in the dishwasher and I'm off to organize a bit before falling fast asleep!